opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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Schuur and Nieuwe Vide jointly present The Queer Image: an intersectional interdisciplinary film program with a queer feminist character. Together we choose a film around themes that play a role in the community. Films in which LGBTQIA people and women are not marginalized or victims, but rather make their voices heard and are in the spotlight.
At every screening, Nieuwe Vide invites a maker who will present a visual work inspired by the themes of the film. Think of performance art, video art, or an artist talk. We will also organize an introduction or discussion for each film and invite you to have drinks in the Schuurcafé and meet members of the community and the makers.
On the 4th of March the next edition will be at Schuur.
In celebration of Queer History Month, Nieuwe Vide proudly presents the second edition of The Queer Image, pairing a pioneering lhbtiq+* short film with the release of Ethan Cohen and Tricia Cooke’s Drive Away Dolls.