opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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Nieuwe Vide is jointly managed by a director-curator, supported by PR and administrative staff members. Together they form the artistic team. Scroll down for the profiles and the information about the team and the board.
Stichting Vide Cultura’s Bovenste Ring was established on 29 December 1994. Its goal is to promote the production and exhibition possibilities of visual art (and other methods of distribution). Nieuwe Vide is registered as Nieuwe Vide Artspace and Studios in the Handelsregister under KvK number 41226683.
Nieuwe Vide Team
Anne Mul (they/them) – Director-curator
Anne Mul is curator, interdisciplinary researcher and activist and always has a multi-tool in their pocket.
Ann(i)e Mul (they/them) is a curator, interdisciplinary researcher, and maker based in Haarlem. They are currently the director-curator of Nieuwe Vide Artspace and community hub. They are one half of the artistic research group Significant Otherness Co-/lab and a member of Haarlem Town Queers (HTQ), a community building initiative launched in fall 2021 by and for intersectional queer Haarlemmers.
Annie holds a bachelors in Public Health: Community Health Education from Portland State University and a masters in Medical Anthropology and Sociology from the Graduate School of Social Sciences at University of Amsterdam. Their research projects and making practices revolve around notions of normativities, ethics, health practices, pleasure activism and transformative justice.
At the moment, Annie’s making and curation practices look at the intersections of queer joy, invitation, and the tensions between satisfaction and resistance. They provide support for beginning artists and activist art-based initiatives, such as Jong Fems.
In their work at Nieuwe Vide, Annie aims to invite communities into artistic and community building processes, as well as give artists the opportunity to develop their work further.
Sas(kia) Burggraaf (they/she) – Communication & Design
In addition to being a team member of Nieuwe Vide, Sas(kia) Burggraaf is an artist, activist, designer and always takes Roest the dog to work. Saskia is alum of the master Art Praxis at the Dutch Art Institute (2020). With a love for transmitting art and theory to the visitor, Saskia contributes to the program, content and visual identity of Nieuwe Vide.
Kris Lauwen (zij/haar) – Administration & Rental
Kris fulfills the role of administration and rental employee at Nieuwe Vide, and she is also active as a freelance illustrator in theater, film, game, print and product design. With her passion for order and structure, she likes to lend a helping hand to her colleagues. Her language skills come in handy in the international environment of Nieuwe Vide. Kris loves Wil’s soup on ‘Soephoek Wednesday’ and really enjoys the social interactions with studiomakers and visitors.
Wil Maris (she/her) – administration
Wil Maris is the building manager, administration oracle, one of the founders of Nieuwe Vide, and a source of indispensable Vide knowledge. But most importantly, she brings dog Jet to the office.
Nieuwe Vide gets occasional support by Lola Maggi (volunteer coördination), Stefan Cammeraat, Jaromir Mulders , Nia Konstantinova, Bernardo Zanotta, Hanneke Sielcken, Lex van der Meij and TRIK. We also are assisted by a group of volunteers: Yulia, Julia, Ronja, Myrthe, Cato, Brecht, Lola, Esmée, Rosa, Jonathan, Layla, Matías, Hanneke, Luca, Nehir, Simone. Thanks to them we can be open in the weekends during exhibitions.
Web- and communication design by:
BRR BRR Visuele Communication & Sas(kia) Burggraaf
Board of Stichting Nieuwe Vide Artspace and Studio
The board meets at least four times annually and more often if necessary. The Nieuwe Vide directorate is also present at board meetings. Nieuwe Vide tenants have one or more representatives on the board. Membership of the board is unremunerated. We underwrite the Governance Code for Culture.
Click here for the complete biographies of all the board members
The Vide Cultura’s Bovenste Ring Foundation is registered as a cultural ANBI which means that The Nieuwe Vide is recognized by the Dutch tax authorities as an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI) (Institute for Public Benefit). This has certain fiscal benefits. Donations we receive can, according to the applicable rules, be deducted from income or corporate tax. This also has advantages for private individuals. For more information see the tax department website.
RSIN/Fiscal number: 8087.13.619
Read our Code of Conduct
Download the pdf with more information about Nieuwe Vide
We are always looking for volunteers.
The images on our website are mainly from the makers. We have tried to credit them as well as possible. If the credits aren’t correct, please contact us directly via
Photography Exhibitions: Bogdan Bordeianu
Photography Portaits staff: Nienke Veneboer
KvK nr. 41226683
RSIN/Fiscus number : 8087.13.619