Code of Conduct

ned / eng

Nieuwe Vide’s Code of Conduct is a document in development. In the future – through consultation and progressive insight – the document can be further expanded or extra details added.
Last updated on 03.02.2021.

Code of Conduct
This code of conduct applies to everyone working at the Nieuwe Vide (or outside as representative of the Nieuwe Vide) It includes studio tenants, the Nieuwe Vide team, volunteers and freelancers hired by the Nieuwe Vide. The code of conduct also applies to participants of workshops, visitors, guests of studio tenants, freelancers hired by studio tenants and trainees.

Why a Code of Conduct?
Nieuwe Vide wants to provide an appealing, positive and safe work environment where everyone can pursue their work in the right way. This applies to everyone who, for whatever reason, comes into contact with the Nieuwe Vide. As community we at the Nieuwe Vide look out for one another and ensure there is a pleasant and secure environment. That’s why the code of conduct also applies to Nieuwe Vide staff and the directorate.

Who are we?
Nieuwe Vide organises exhibitions, readings, workshops along with a diverse range of fringe programmes that offer artists a podium. It strives to establish an open dialogue between artists, visitors, interested parties and the surrounding neighbourhood while also providing studio space to artists and creatives. The Nieuwe Vide community consists of studio tenants, volunteers, visitors, workshop participants, artists from outside the Nieuwe Vide who take part in exhibitions, trainees, freelancers who supervise projects on behalf of the Nieuwe Vide and freelancers in charge of setting up exhibitions. The Nieuwe Vide organisation (hereafter referred to as team) consists of five people responsible for the daily running of affairs, dealing with tenants, organising exhibitions and the programming of fringe events. With its roots in Haarlem squatter’s movement, the Nieuwe Vide continues to build on the activistic, DIY nature of its beginnings.

Our code of conduct
Nieuwe Vide strives to be an inclusive organisation that offers a positive and secure work environment where people feel at ease. This applies to everyone who, for whatever reason, comes into contact with the Nieuwe Vide: Studio tenants, freelancers, people taking part in workshops, volunteers and visitors. Occupants of studios are free to arrange their work as they see fit on condition it does not infringe on or cause inconvenience to other residents. The team does its best to communicate in an open way with all Nieuwe Vide tenants.
We expect visitors, anyone who collaborates with the Nieuwe Vide organisation or works on the premises (together with above mentioned parties) to treat others with respect and do their best to promote a pleasant and safe work environment. We respect people’s differences and similarities and ask everyone to show regard for each other during personal interactions.
Everyone, regardless of their background, gender, religion, skin colour or physical condition is welcome at the Nieuwe Vide and will be treated the same.
At the Nieuwe Vide, but also outside, we treat each other with respect. For example when representing the Nieuwe Vide at events, trade fairs, fringe programmes or on any other occasion. Any form of undesirable behaviour, like bullying (verbally and physically), intimidation (in whatever form), aggressive behaviour or discrimination will not be accepted.

We will not tolerate undesirable behaviour, (sexual) intimidation, discrimination, stalking nor excessive alcohol consumption. These forms of transgressive behaviour may overlap each other and also include (repeated) disrespect for someone’s personal space, photographing a person without permission, bullying and violence. The use of hard drugs in the Nieuwe Vide is prohibited.

Non-compliance with the code of conduct
If someone displays undesirable, intimidating or deliberate disruptive behaviour, they will be asked to stop immediately. If you are harassed at the Nieuwe Vide, please contact the Nieuwe Vide organisation, also if you think or suspect that someone else is being hassled.
Appropriate procedures, measures or sanctions will be decided on after due consultation. The confidential advisor can also help with ‘minor’ conflicts in the event of disagreement or a squabble between two people. Via mediation the confidential advisor can try to solve the dispute and restore mutual trust. This is important because minor conflicts can lead to the prevalence of a culture where people view their own transgressive behaviour as normal, unaware of the effect it has on others.
If someone who has been warned about their transgressive behaviour does not desist, the organisation will take appropriate steps.
In situations concerning, for example, stench and/or noise disturbance, failure to keep communal spaces clean etc, we assume that the parties concerned will first discuss the matter among themselves. Instead of bottled up your irritation, don’t hesitate to address such nuisances however difficult this might be. In the long run this is better for everyone, not only you but for the Nieuwe Vide community as a whole.

If you have questions or remarks with regard to the code of conduct, please mail us at:

In drafting this code of conduct we have derived content from the codes of conduct drawn up by the Rijksakademie Amsterdam and Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. Het Nieuwe Instituut has in turn also consulted various sources. Check out their website if you want to know more.

This code of conduct will take effect on: 14.09.2022

If you have questions or remarks with regard to the code of conduct, please mail us at:


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