opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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We would like to welcome you to the finissage of Eva Kreuger’s exhibition (In)valuable, (in)visible at 4:00 PM at Nieuwe Vide, Energieplein 69, Haarlem.
This is the opportunity to see the newly added work in collaboration with Christopher Reichling, who made two songs especially for this exhibition with all the (printer) sounds from the exhibition, while Eva Kreuger made another video work with archive material.
Listen here Prnt Ct Cpy Pst and here Delay Decay, Release Repeat, Return Sustain.
The exhibition has changed over time due to the material provided by visitors, participants in workshops, meetings of activists and makers, adjustments and additions by Eva Kreuger herself. Also, upon entering the exhibition, one immediately became part of the exhibition through the motion camera that captured visitors and this footage ended up in the exhibition. In addition, a motion sensor was installed in collaboration with Jaromir Mulders that actively controlled small robots to push buttons on printers.