08.07: The Queer Image #4: Femme & The Sixth Element

Schuur en Nieuwe Vide presenteren samen The Queer Image: een inter­sec­ti­o­neel inter­dis­ci­pli­nair film­pro­gramma met een queer femi­nis­tisch karakter. Samen kiezen we een film rond thema’s die spelen in de gemeenschap. Films waarin lhbtiq+’ers en vrouwen niet gemar­gi­na­li­seerd worden of slachtoffer zijn, maar juist hun stem laten horen en in de spotlight staan.

8 Juli – The Queer Image #4: Femme & The Sixth Element (20:30)

On Monday, July 8, we will screen the film Femme as a preview, during a new edition of The Queer Image, our queer special, a collaboration between Schuur & Nieuwe Vide. Before and after the film you can enjoy a performance by drag performer The Sixth Element.

Schuur’s Choice: Femme

Exciting, provocative and surprising thriller that avoids all clichés. Jules, better known by the stage name Aphrodite Banks, is one of London’s most acclaimed drag queens. When he buys a pack of cigarettes in the neighborhood after a drag show, he is attacked by a group of homophobic young men. While Jules tries to process his trauma, he recognizes one of his attackers in the gay sauna he regularly visits. Without his makeup, he manages to approach the boy incognito. The meeting is the start of a dangerous game of revenge.

Nieuwe Vide Performance: The Sixth Element

The Sixth Element (she/they) is a en3ty that Kevin Pieterse created. One that lives inside their head. She is the medium through which Kevin emotes and performs their feelings. Her big yearning is to unite us in our sadness and make us feel something that we might think we’ve lost, to connect to our inner neglected child.

‘Sixth is my muse in every way, the most glamorous melancholy you’ll meet on stage.In a society that revolves around individualism, I search for the communal feeling.’




Queer Community discountcode: thequeerimage 50% off





Photo: Lisa Schamle