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vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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31.01.24 – Teken or Leave it Workshop: (re)working archival images – Eva Kreuger
This workshops is part of the current exhibition (In)valuable, (in)visible – The circular archive and value production in artistic spaces (Tentoonstelling geopend: Fri-Sun 20.01.2024 – 07.04.2024)
During the workshop we will work on different ways to create new work with existing images. For example, collages, digital image editing, putting together a new photo series, printing, cutting and copying. You can bring a photo (or photos) that you want to make something with or you can choose a photo from the archive in the exhibition.
When working with (photographic) archive material, you can use an image that already exists. You can ask yourself all kinds of questions about this: why am I using this image? What does this photo already say and what would I like to change about the image? What story do I want it to tell? We can also wonder which photos are worth keeping and why there is much more footage out there of some subjects than others.
The photo(s) you are going to use may have been taken by someone else. Maybe there are family members on it? Maybe you don’t know where the photo comes from and what exactly is depicted in it. You can let your imagination run wild or try to find a new way to tell the story of the photo.
Teken or Leave It is a bimonthly evening for illustrators, makers and people who like to create. During these evenings we can work together, learn from each other, or simply work separately but side by side on individual projects. But Teken or Leave It is above all a moment to relax and create. We will provide a space and some material will be available to experiment with.
One evening a month there is an open drawing evening – and on the other evening a
thematic workshop is given by a guest artist, followed by an open drawing evening.
Register to join for the 31st of January via or DM via instagram.
Follow Teken Or Leave It also on Instagram
Check out the full Teken or Leave it Programme here