JongFem Skill Sharing Workshops vanaf 12 maart

In honor of International Women’s Day JongFem & Nieuwe Vide, proudly announce JongFem Skill Sharing! We will start this series on Tuesday March 12th and 19th with a two-part zine workshop by Lotte van den Hoogen founder of

JongFem Skill Sharing
In March, April and May of 2024, we will host workshops on the theme of intersectional feminism and zine making. With the workshops we are working towards our Zine Festival on the weekend of June 1st and 2nd during the Haarlemse Stripdagen (@stripdagenhaarlem). Keep an eye on the socials of @nieuwevide and @jongfemcollectief for Zine Fest updates.

What is JongFem
Jong Feministisch Collectief Haarlem, also known as JongFem, is a collective based in Haarlem by and for young people with the aim of introducing youth to intersectional feminism and everything that comes with it. JongFem organizes workshops, movie nights and strikes, among other things. This is done in collaboration with and  at the location of Nieuwe Vide. Would you like to know more about JongFem? Follow @jongfemcollectief on insta or send an email to 

About Fe-mini-ism
Lotte van den Hoogen is the founder of the Fe-mini-ism project, with which she wants to encourage connection by sharing personal stories.

In the first workshop, all participants are asked to create a zine about an experience/life story around feminist themes that they think would benefit someone else. This experience/story could be something that changed their life or simply something that happened to them as they walked to the bus stop that morning.

In the second workshop, participants will first discuss different feminist movements. From there we will make zines based on this theme and knowledge. Learn more about at

Check out all the Jong Fem Skillsharing Workshop