Nieuwe Vide ontvangt Mondriaan Fonds 2025-2028

We can’t believe our luck! We have been positively assessed by the Mondriaan Fund for our programme 2025-2028.

“The vision of Nieuwe Vide Artspace and Studios, focused on art as a critical driver for social change, is clearly formulated and rooted in the squatter history of the arts podium. The mission is to form a sustainable artistic community and make room for people for whom the current capitalist society isn’t helpful or even is restrictive. The committee believes that Nieuwe Vide is able to achieve a clear synergy between art space and cultural hub.” Read the full report here.

We as Nieuwe Vide also recognize that other podia are experiencing financial difficulties as a result and wish them the best of luck. We are happy with the recognition, but in a period of an extreme right-wing cabinet we recognize that this will have major consequences for the institutions and makers without structural funding. We therefore strive to continue our vision in the national art climate. It is more important than ever to distribute money for socially critical art.