12.04 Teken or Leave it : ‘Drawing Bodies in motion’ during dance rehearsals of Humanji


Teken or Leave It is a twice monthly evening for illustrators, makers and people who love to create.During these evenings we can collaborate, learn from each other, or just work separately but alongside one another on individual projects. But most importantly Teken or Leave It is a moment in time to relax and create.

This time while the dancers of Humanji will be rehearsing, TOL participants will be given the opportunity to study and draw bodies in motion. Bring your own material and projects you are working on, ideas, or whatever you’d like. We will provide space and some material will be available to use and experiment with.One evening a month will be an open draw and the other evening will be a thematic workshop with a guest artist followed by an open draw evening.Everyone is welcome. So join us every other Wednesday at the Nieuwe Vide from 19:00-22:o0h. Doors open at 18:30h.

Humanji is a sonically and visually hypnotic relationship between sound, vision, and movement. More info and tickets.

14th of April 20:00h

16th of April, 20:00h

Ticket PREMIÉRE 14 April 
Ticket SHOW 16 April