opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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On December 21, 22 en 23 2018, the Haarlems cultural organizations Nieuwe Vide, de Pletterij and 37PK, together with the The Hague artist initiative Quartair, organized a 3-day festival called GOLF-festival, focussed on the interaction between sound and image.
Zondag 23.12.2018 | Nieuwe Vide
15:00 Lecture 1: Jarl Schulp
16:00 Lecture 2: Peter Bruyn
17:00 Lecture 3: Joost Rekveld
19:30 Gijs Gieskes
20:15 Vito Willems
21:00 Nikki Hock
21:45 Leeza Pritychenko & Fien
For more information about the program: GOLF-festival