Soup book presentation

ned / eng

To mark the publication of Nieuwe Vide’s Soup Book (Nieuwe Vide’s Journal of Humanity no.7), Nieuwe Vide will organize a special Soup Corner: A lunch with delicious snacks prepared by Kookstudio Haarlem. Ricky will also make one of his legendary soups.

Every week at 13.00 hrs. a Soup Corner will be held at the Nieuwe Vide: a weekly meal of soup and bread will be available for €1,50. To highlight this weekly event Nieuwe Vide has published a magazine in the form of a newspaper: the Soup Book.

The Soup Book is about food as a way of social bonding and how we can contribute to food production in the future. With contributions by food activists, food organisations (The New Farm, The Hague) writers (Machteld Leij, Ali Berlow, Lotte van Geijn), artists (Annette Behrens), inspired cooks (Wereldkeuken, Kookstudio Haarlem) and Haarlem illustrators (TRIK, Tessel Dekker of Segolia Design, Ytje Veenstra) and cartoonist Schwantz.


The Soep Boek is designed by Yessica Deira, third year students of the Graphic Design department of the Royal Academy of Arts, in The Hague (KABK). Nieuwe Vide collaborates per magazine with a student of the course Design Office, a class given by  Chantal Hendriksen and Gijsbert Dijker.
The Soep Boek is available for free.

Wednesday 23.05.2018, 13.00h.


Soep by Ricky


Food by Kookstudio Haarlem, vegetarian and meat

€1,50 per person


