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vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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Would you like to learn how to capture your opinion in one image? Or would you like to be able to tell ‘the story, behind the story’ in several drawings?
Drawing journalist Eva Hilhorst and cartoonist TRIK have set up a Tata State of Mind project together, in which they want to arrive at a nuanced picture of Tata Steel by means of drawing workshops. They also would like to ask participants of ‘Teken or Leave It’ to respond to the current situation.
During TRIK’s workshop on Wednesday evening 25 May, the emphasis is on capturing the (Tata) situation in one image. In the workshop of Eva Hilhorst on June 8, you will learn how to tell a more extensive story based on multiple images.
You can of course take your result home with you. But you can also hang it in the ULTIMATUM (4horsemen) exhibition, which will be shown at Nieuwe Vide during the Stripdagen Haarlem. So come May 25th and/or June 8th from 19:00-20:30 to Teken or Leave It Workshops at Nieuwe Vide. After that there is still the opportunity to draw until 22:00.