opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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‘The beach beneath my streets’ is a sound-walk which takes the shape of a do-it-yourself walk-tour and invites you to enter a one-to-one relationship with the city of Haarlem.
Through a combination of ambience sounds and a voice over narration you will be guided through different neighbourhoods of the city. You will be passing through streets and places that are not always so common, but are significant to the personal and collective memory of the local inhabitants. In fact this project finds its inspiration in a number of conversations held with the locals of Haarlem.
The soundwalk first took place together with the artist, but can now be done individually : Thursday until Sunday from 12:00u until 16:30h. As a deposit please give you ID, in exchange for the mp3-players. Please pick up the mp3-player before 14:00h and bring it back before 16:30h.
Limited number of headphones.
Some points to remember:
– Wear comfortable shoes.
– Please bring an ID as a deposit for the headphones and mp3 player.
‘The beach beneath my streets’ is a project by Maltese artist Kristina Borg, as part of the exhibition ‘Daydreaming subverts the world’ at Nieuwe Vide art space.
U kunt deze soundwalk doen op donderdag t/m zondag van 12:00u tot 16:30u.
You can do the soundwalks on thursday until sunday from 12:00h – 16:30h.
Please hand in your identification as collateral in exchange for the MP3 player. You must pick up the MP3 player before 2:00 pm and return it before 4:30 pm.
Header Photo: artist
Exhibition photo: Bogdan Bordeianu