opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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Nieuwe Vide is participating in Gluren bij de Buren, a neighborhood festival where performances take place in unexpected locations. During the exhibition Re-viewing Sites of Preservation by Notes on Hapticity, you can enjoy music on Sunday, February 2nd.
TES 12:00 & 14:15
Intelligent, beautifully written songs on personal stuff, animal rights and other political issues.
Maia’s Macho’s 12:45 & 15:00
Maia’s Machos en de Tobijassen! Three young musicians, a drum machine and a dancer have joined forces especially for GBDB. Formed at the Utrecht art academy, but now planning to conquer the mother city of Haarlem. Armed with a great bassist, jazz singer, violinist and the Tobijassen.
Simone’s gig 13:30 & 15:45
Simone’s Gig is a jazz combo featuring vocalist Simone Aarnink. With her captivating voice and charisma, she effortlessly wins over the audience.
Lorand Sarna on guitar, Bryan Leinwand on bass, and Beth Namenwirth on tenor saxophone complete the ensemble. The repertoire consists of accessible and well-known jazz standards.