opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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In 2018 it was exactly 200 years ago that Mary Shelley wrote the book ‘Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus’.
It was therefore appropriate to choose Frankenstein as theme for the 2018 Stripdagen Haarlem. And consequently, for us to organize the project Dr. Ranoud’s Lab after an idea by DUONAR – 6 limbs, 6 participants, no rules. Each participant/collective is allotted a limb, i.e. head, torso, 2 x arms, 2 x legs. People invited to take part are from diverse backgrounds which guarantees a surprising outcome. All limbs together ‘form’ the exhibition which gives birth to a new creation and simultaneously pays homage to Frankenstein’s monster.
Participants: Hanco Kolk, Bas de Wit, Jeroen Funke/Talitha Dijkhuizen, Lode Devroe, Nils Mühlenbruch, DUONAR (Stefan Kasper & TRIK).
Curators: DUONAR
During the Stripdagen Haarlem (25 May through 3 June) the exhibition is open every day from 11:00 to 17:00 hrs. After 3 June the exhibition is open from Thursday through Sunday, from 12:00 to 17:00 hrs.