opening hours:
vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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Bernardo Zanotta – solo exhibition
Bernardo Zanotta (1996, Porto Alegre) is a Brazilian artist who works mainly with film and video formats. He is especially interested in collective processes directed at ‘performativity’ and historical ‘remaking’, for which he uses sci-fi, ‘counterculture’ and contemporary iconography as subject matter. His oeuvre includes films, installations, performances, photography and archive research.
In March 2001, Bernd Jürgen Brandes became a member of an internet forum called Cannibal Café where he meets a man who pretends to be ‘Antrophagus’ – the main character of an Italian horror film. The two cyber cannibals start an affair that is destined to shock the world and lead to the arrest of computer technician Armin Meiwes in the small German village of Wüstefeld. This story forms the backdrop for a spatial experiment by artist Bernardo Zanotta which includes references to marginalised Brazilian film, Hitchcockian paranoia and ‘slasher’ film culture. The exhibition at the Nieuwe Vide places the viewer in the Cannibal Café as participant in a strange homo-erotic fantasy, including a ‘re-enactment’ of the Meiwes-Brandes affair and a video essay about the late 1970’s ‘cannibal exploitation’ genre.
Open : 16 March through 1 April 2018
Opening : 23 March 18:00 hrs
23 March 18:00 hrs
Opening + Publication presentation: “Thanks I will check into that, do you or can you point out a starting point where to look?”
This publication was specially made for Make Room! Make Room! and the Supermarket Art Fair, Stockholm, 2018.