02 Nov t/m 24 Nov 2024

Spreading Seeds: Ground for Growth

ned / eng

Spreading Seeds: Ground for Growth at Nieuwe Vide OPEN during Kunstlijn 2024

Opening: 2.11.’24, 12:00h – 15:00h – Finissage: 24.11.’24 – 16:30h

During Kunstlijn 2024, a Young Artists exhibition will take place in Nieuwe Vide. In addition, we will have open studios, like every year.

For this exhibition we collaborate with The Young Artists Event, ARTCORE and the Young Feminist Collective. Under the theme Spreading Seeds, we are starting the experiment (Ground for Growth) to see with young artists how development and change through visual art can ensure personal and social growth. What nutrients do they need for their own growth, but also for the world around them?

The Young Artists Event 

YAE is an organization of all kinds of young creatives who organize exhibitions for young artists in training or at the start of their career. They offer these artists a network that inspires each other. More information can be found at: https://www.yaevent.nl/

Young Artists
Eva Zain van der Horst – Milo van Sluis – Fenna Witkamp – Sanne Daniëlle – Sam Olson – Thomas Fontein – DJ set during opening: Luna Laila

Image: Eva Zain van der Horst, installatie, Feminine

Click on the names to read an interview per YAE-participant, written by our intern Giovanna Calainho,for our new article page Decomposing- Recomposing – Articles for growing Tomorrow’s Seeds.  

ARTCORE is an interdisciplinary youth platform in Haarlem that revolves around art and design. 37PK and Nieuwe Vide are the home base for ARTCORE. These art institutions open their doors, provide a glimpse behind the scenes and offer the young people of ARTCORE the space to realize their own projects. Team ARTCORE 2024 consists of a group of ten young people who, together with coaches Marianne Hotske Hamersma and Duck Zwolsman, discover what is going on in the creative world of Haarlem and the surrounding area. At the end of the process, the participants themselves realize a project that will be visible to the public. During the Kunstlijn they give an insight into their process. Are you interested in participating next year? Come visit Nieuwe Vide. During this exhibition, ARTCORE participants will show new work, made during a photography workshop by Julius Thissen.

Cato Douwes Dekker
Daantje Vink
Devi Kiverstein
Ella Methorst
Gray Verschoor
Isis Wolski
Nehir Gündüz
Senn Bryson
Simone Piebes
Siobhan Dolieslager




Image: Cato Douwes Dekker en Simone Piebes


Young Feminist Collective (Young Fem)
Young Feminist Collective Haarlem, also known as JongFem, is a Haarlem collective by and for young people with the aim of introducing young people to feminism and everything that comes with it. JongFem organizes workshops, film evenings and demonstrations, among other things. This is done in collaboration with and from the Nieuwe Vide location. Would you like to know more about JongFem? Follow @jongfemcollectief on Instagram or send an email to jongfemcollectief@gmail.com

Through zine-making, art, education and workshops, the collective tackles issues such as underrepresentation, political frustration and personal growth. In the exhibition, Jong Fem uses medical equipment to present the artworks, emphasizing the intersection between politics and health, especially the impact of the healthcare system on AFAB individuals*. By showcasing their work in this context, JongFems aims to spark critical conversations about young people’s well-being, which is often overlooked in today’s society.
*AFAB: Assigned Female at Birth






Finissage Spreading Seeds: Ground for Growth / Jong Fem Collective effort: Food For thought

On Sunday, November 24, we will festively close our exhibition Spreading Seeds: Ground for Growth.
We look back on a successful and well-attended opening and exhibition. During the Kunstlijn, we opened the studios of our creative hub and celebrated all the young creators featured in the exhibition. Different generations of makers came together at Nieuwe Vide, feminist zines were folded in the installation by the Young Feminist Collective Haarlem, ARTCORE created a mural to complement the portraits they made in collaboration with artist Julius Thissen. The section by The Young Artists Event was co-curated by Eva Zain van Dorst and featured intriguing installations by various makers.

Under the theme Spreading Seeds, we embraced the experiment (Ground for Growth) by exploring with young artists how development and change through visual art can lead to personal and societal growth. What do they need as nutrients for their own growth, and for the world around them?

Jong Fem Collective effort: Food for Thought

Jong feministisch Collectief (JongFem) would like to invite you to join us for the finissage of Spreading Seeds: Grounds for Growth. In this edition we are serving up food for thought within the framework of nutrients and community.

During the exhibition JongFems have shared our standpoints on growth within a societal and (mental) health context, however now we are shifting towards a physiological and environmental approach. We ask the (hungry) participants to take a place at the table and discover how we’ve navigated the paradox of needing to take for growth and progression without exploiting the ground we are building upon.

This finissage meal is held sustainably by focussing on foraging in an urban landscape and acts as a thesis for a new mindset focussed on fueling the minds and bodies of today’s society in an ecologically ethical and cost effective manner.
We invite those participating to bring an ingredient that (metaphorically or physically) feeds them. We as Nieuwe Vide provide additional (vegan) ingredients for a collectively made soup – ingredients for drinks (mocktails) and to make a snack.Bring herbs from your garden or tea stash, and let’s experiment with recipes using lavender, rosemary, and many more.
Ingredients: intersectional feminism, water, nettles, books, lavender, rosemary, chamomile, flowers, zines, listening.


Opening Spreading Seeds: 2.11.’24, 12:00h – 15:00h

Tour: 23.11.’24 – 14:00h

Finissage: 24.11.’24 – 16:30h

The Young Artists Event
Eva Zain van der Horst
(click here for the interview)

Milo van Sluis

Fenna Witkamp
(click here for the interview)

Sanne Daniëlle

Sam Olson

Thomas Fontein
(click here for a interview) 

DJ set : Luna Laila

Listen to Eva Zain van der Horst on Queer Vibes Radio / Haarlem 105 from 4:43min


Cato Douwes Dekker
Daantje Vink
Devi Kiverstein
Ella Methorst
Gray Verschoor
Isis Wolski
Nehir Gündüz
Senn Bryson
Simone Piebes
Siobhan Dolieslager

Jong Feministisch Collectief Haarlem

Open studios:
Beth Namenwirth,
Meli Kuhn,
Saskia Burggraaf,
Tessel Dekker,
Lex van der Meij,
Gosse van der Leij,
Janek Koza,
Monika Grzesiewska,
Lola Maggi,
Sanne Kabalt,
Sydney Waerts,
Ana López-Santacruz,
Eva Kreuger,
Kees van Leeuwen




02 Nov t/m 24 Nov 2024

Spreading Seeds: Ground for Growth

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This Body of Ours

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(In)valuable, (in)visible – Eva Kreuger