Eva Kreuger

ned / eng

The starting point of my work is always my archive.

I collect photos, slides and other visual material that I scan, print and edit. It is a repetitive process in which I look for materiality in the photographic image. I then use these edits to create collages, sculptures and installations.I investigate the interaction between two- and three-dimensional images by photographing spatial work again in my studio or by introducing flat work into the space. Themes in my work often play with the need for room for reflection and isolation.


Cartoonist, animator, schilder

Janek Koza

Illustrator & cartoonist


Sanne Kabalt

Scenographer & Artist

Kevin Pieterse

Graphic Design

Brr Brr

Judith Pool

programmer, composer & designer

Jaromir Mulders


Jan Kuhlemeier

Bolten Vioolbouw

Candela Murillo


Gosse van der Leij

Kees van Leeuwen

Lex van der Meij

Design & concept

Buro Blikgoed


Meli Kuhn

Portrait photography

Nienke Veneboer

Journalist & designer

Chris Muyres


Noortje Boer

visual artist

Beth Namenwirth

Product designer

Ana López Santacruz

Illustrator / Animator

Johan Klungel


Marianne Lammersen

Eva Kreuger

Artist and Researcher

Saskia Burggraaf