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vr t/m zo 12.00-17.00. Ook op afspraak. Toegang gratis.
Energieplein 69
2031 TC Haarlem
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“For me, images are the way to present old stories in a new jacket, by using different materials, merging them, stripping them of their previous existence, but still present.
Every image has a previous life(s) in it, in the whole, or a part lives on in the image and contributes to a new visual language.”
A piece of iron, a chunk of wood, a “mindless” discarded object may, after an indefinite maturing period, contribute to a new image. In this way, a part of a piano can still retain its musicality and can be added to the resulting spatial object. Each material has one or more lives in it and by rearranging them, by combining them, new stories are born and images arise that carry the past, present and perhaps the future. The images tell stories about power and powerlessness, eternal doubt, about the search for balance, harmony, beauty and about love for craft, about the transient and perhaps much more, but I leave that to the viewer.”